라이100 - 분양광고

[The Shanghai Expo 2010] Samsung to Fascinate Chinese People

기자정보, 기사등록일
입력 2010-04-21 13:01
  • 글자크기 설정

by Lee, Haneul

"To crack Chinese market, it is essential to look like Chinese people's company," one of Samsung's regional experts said.

Chinese market is attractive to Korean companies due to lower prices in marketplaces, a billion people in domestic markets and geographically close access. However, a lot of Korean large companies and small businesses had hardships when they just entered the market. Even many of them gave up. One of the reasons is Chinese people don't open their mind towards unfamiliar companies and products.

Since 1985, Samsung has tried to open Chinese people's mind with sponsoring events and doing activities contributing to Chinese society.

As part of the activities for Chinese society, Samsung is making great contributions on education, social welfare, farming and environment in China.

Samsung has established 20 'Schools of Hope' in 16 provinces since 2005. Also Samsung did free cataract surgeries to 6,150 patients for 3 years.

Moreover, Samsung Group made a donation to the earthquake victims and built 10 schools in Schun Province. Also Samsung donated 20 computers to the schools and opened a computer class for children.

This kind of contributions will be continued this year. Samsung will increase the 'Schools of Hope' up to 100, and continue free cataract surgeries. Also it will establish an institution for the disabled, and build a training center for dogs helping deafs in China.

Samsung Group also actively supports big events in China. It was a good example that Samsung sponsored the Beijing Olympics officially last year.

Besides, it built Samsung Digital Fountain ahead of Guangzhou Asian Games in November. On April 16th, it supported the opening of the Asian Express Train from Hong Kong to Guangzhou.

Samsung supported the figure skating competition of the International Skating Union in Beijing 2 years ago.

One of Samsung officials said "It will take long time to get closer with people in China."

"I hope that entering Chinese market will be easier in near future as Samsung becomes a familiar brand to China," he added.

Translated by Lee, Jeong-eun

[아주경제 ajnews.co.kr] 무단전재 배포금지


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