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[Notice] News Service in 4 Languages Now Available for iPhone Users in 90 Countries Worldwide

기자정보, 기사등록일
입력 2010-05-10 19:15
  • 글자크기 설정

The Asia Business starts providing the news service in 4 languages through the application to iPhone users in 90 countries including USA, Britain, China and Japan.

Our newspaper is going to supply the real-time economic news on South Korea’s economic policy, Korean companies, and local and global financial market.

Our application features news in 4 different languages including Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese with a click of mouse.

Readers from all over the world can be updated with the news in multiple languages provided by the Asia Business through one application.

We provide iPhone users around the world with news about economy, business and finance, politics, industries, IT, sports, politics and education in each section.

A series of applications for other smart phone models such as Android will be available soon, along with more various new items.         

In addition, our newspaper is developing the world’s first system which allows journalists and reporters to send the breaking news through smart phones. 

Once the system is set for operation, our readers will be able to receive the latest breaking news both in the mobile and in the internet.

We appreciate your encouragement and criticism.

▩ How to download the application for Mobile News from The Asia Business

(Korea/Overseas) iPhone App Store → The Asia Buisness → Free/Install

▷The Americas= The United States of America, Canada, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Jamaica, Peru, Paraguay, Panama, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Venezuela

▷Europe= Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Espana, Norway, Switzerland, Portugal, Sweden, Malta

▷Eastern Europe= Russia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Latvia, Estonia, Lituania, Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Moldova, Slovenia

▷Middle East= Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey, Arab Emirates

▷Asia-Pacific= The Republic of Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Macao, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka.

▷Central Asia= Kazakhstan, Armenia, Guatemala.

▷Africa= Egypt, Kenya, The Republic of Botswana, Nigeria, Madagascar, The republic of Mali, Senegal, South Africa, Tunisia, Mauritius, Uganda (a total of 90 countries.)

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