[AJU TV] Mixed responses to Psy's 'Hangover'

기자정보, 기사등록일
입력 2014-06-09 20:28
  • 글자크기 설정

Juye Lee, AJU TV =

Now to the music news that you may be looking forward to.
Korean singer Psy released his new music video "Hangover" on his official YouTube channel on Monday, June 9th.

South Korean rapper Psy’s new hip-hop song "Hangover" attracted 1.73 million views on YouTube as of 4pm, Monday, Korean time.

The music video for “Hangover” appears to have received mixed responses.
Let me first introduce positive comments.

- Psy and Snoop together. Never in a million years would I have seen this coming.
- I don't even have words to describe...
- I love this song <3

On the other hand, there are many negative views on the music video.

- Sounds quite terrible.
- I must say, this doesn't sound like K-pop, maybe that's why i don't like it so much..but anyway it Okay~

By the way, the song is available to purchase from iTunes now.

Psy, of course, shot to global fame with his 2012 song "Gangnam Style." The music video for that is the most viewed video on YouTube with over two billion views.

Psy is to release his new single album 'Daddy' this summer. Excited to see!


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